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Why open a franchise?

More security

Did you know that, according to Sebrae, 80% of owned businesses close within two years in Brazil, but this only happens with 5% of franchises? This is because the franchise model is the replica of a business that has already been tested and validated in the market.

Renowned brand and product

Because they are already a validated business in the market, franchise chains have a brand and product that are already known and desired by the consumer, facilitating acceptance and enhancing customer acquisition in their stores.

Support and training

When you become a franchisee, you will receive from the franchisor constant support and training in the most diverse areas of the business: implementation, commercial, marketing, financial and administrative management.

better purchasing power

The franchise networks have approved suppliers with commercial conditions negotiated especially for franchisees, guaranteeing lower prices on the purchase of the main inputs and services of the business.

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